I got caught out by a set of lights so stopped at the line as they changed to red, as they had just changed I knocked the bike into neutral but was ready to take 1st gear as the lights went to green. A car pulled up behind, me and I swear that the moment the red light went out, he was on his horn for me to go. I moved off and I must admit I made one or two hand hestures and shouted a few words to the idiot. Anyhow, he came past me but at the next set of lights he got stuck behind a car in the outside line, however I managed to cut to the inside lane so I was back in front of him. Again, as the lights changed, he was straight onto his horn again to the car in front. This must be the way the idiot drives all the time.
At the next set of lights, and after I had heard his horn a couple of more times, and after much head shaking from me, we again came to a stop. This time I put the bike onto the side stand and started to get off the bike, at which point the idiot in the car behind slammed his car into reverse and shot backwards before pulling around me and shooting across the junction against the red light. Boy, did he look worried....he would have laughed if he had seen me without my helmet but at this stage I still had my dark visor down so he could not see what an old man I am, Ha ha.
I made great time to Nurnberg, in fact I got to the hotel 3 hrs before I was allowed to book in. My idea was, book in, get changed into some lighter trousers and a tea shirt and go into town for a look around. Because I could not book in till 5pm I had to go into the city in my bike kit. Although I did manage to put my jacket in a secure bag and lock it to the bike I was still in my motorcycle boots and trousers, and boy, do you get hot walking about when the temperature is 28 degrees.
Jed spotted this cool trike parked up in the square in Nurnberg, I don't know what the engine was but the caravan behind is attached to the trike!! Jed has now decided this is what he wants for all his trips, he says it beats camping hands down and just think of the money saved on hotel bills, he says it is the only way to go.
On the way back to the hotel I passed a beer keller which is only about a 10 minute walk away, so I think that is where I will end up tonight.
I have about a 200 mile ride tomorrow to Strasbourg, where I will be spending 2 nights. I am booked into a Formule 1 hotel, so will aim to get there at about 5pm, so I can have a little bit of a lie in in the morning as I do not have to rush off.
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