I decided today to take a clser look at the Jewish Quarter of the town. This is a previous ghetto but was the jewish quarter for hundreds of years before becomming a ghetto. In fact, Hitler decided that Prague would become the cultural centre of his "empire" and that the Jewish Quarter would be maintained as a museum to an extinct race. Therefore the jewish quarter was saved from destruction.
Another place visited was the Pinkas Synagogue which contains the names of all the jews from Bohemia and Moravia that were exterminated by the nazis. The names are written in red and black in letters about 2cm high and they cover many square mts of wall, very impressive.
The synagogue also displays an exhibition of childrens drawings, the story being that a certain lady named Friedl Dicker-Brandeis started an illegal art class for the children of a ghetto in Torezin. The idea was to take the minds of the children off the horrors of the ghetto, although a lot of the drawings made by the children do show the horrors.
Friedl got wind that she was to be taken to Auschwitz, and knew that no person ever left the camp, in view of this she gathered 2 suitcases and filled them with as many of the childrens drawings as she could. She then buried the 2 suitcases but left instruction for where they could be found.
Friedl was executed in Auschwitz as she expected.
After the war the cases were recoverd and the pictures now form the display at the synagogue. The names of the children are on the pictures, however the vast percentage of the children who made the pictures were also gassed in the concentration camps. It is a very sad exhibition.
We are imortal until someone paints over our bit of wall!!
I also did a bit of tourist tack today in that I visited the Chamber of Torture, an exhibition displaying various forms of torture carried out throughout history by cultures throughout the world, although the majority were medieval. It was over 3 floors and quite a number of rooms, and I must say it was very interesting. There was every torture imaginable and a few that wern't, I just cannot get over just how cruel man can be to his fellow man. It may be tacky but its history.
Finally today, a game for all................Wheres Wally?
Finally today, a game for all................Wheres Wally?
Fastyr Mie Nicky, Glad you have settled into some serious touristy stuff. No mention of the feet again either - well done. The pictures and stories are very interesting. The icing on the cake is the lovely weather you have finally found. Cracking the flags at last :-) Have a lovely last evening and safe journey tomorrow. Love Chris xxx