For those of you that would be interested (and I can't think why) this is the new stadium being built on the edge of the city centre in Warsaw in preperation for Euro 2012, Warsaw is one of the hosting cities by all account.
Got back to the campsite after visiting Warsaw yesterday afternoon and shortley after 2 motorcyclists arrived, one on a Yamaha FJR 1300 and the other on a naked Suzuki Bandit, both had slightly more luggage that me believe it or not. I haerd them talking in broken English at reception, so, after they had put up their tents, and just before they had their evening meal, I went over to speak to them. It transpired that they were both from Riga in Latvia, and that they had been down to Split in Croatia (where Rob was for a few days) they had ridden up through Budapest and were on route back to Riga. We had a chat, the younger one speaking very good English, and then their meal arrived so I left them to it.
I went into the bar to continue with my blog and I noticed a couple at the bar talking perfect English, I then noticed that there was a English registered caravanette parked up. Well, one thing led to another and we got talking. The couple were from Skipton and they were en route to Tallinn via Lithuania and Latvia, the opposite from what I had just done, they were then to return to the UK via the north coast of Poland via Gdansk. Anyhow, as we were chatting they asked where I was from and it transpired that they had lived on the Isle of Man for about 17 yrs, in Ballasalla and Port St Mary. They also told me that were going to a wedding in Douglas in September. You just would not credit it would you. The only brits on the site and both with Manx connections.
After tea, and at about 10pm I made my way back to my tent, to be joined shortly after by the 2 bikers from Latvia, carrying cans of beer which the willingly shared!. We stood drinking and talking bikes for a very pleasant hour and a half before they returned to their tents as they wanted to be off for 8am.

Monday morning, Jed checking the rear tyre very carefully, he does not want another American fiasco, he says.

At just before 8am the 2 from Latvia came back across to my tent and wanted to take photos of myself and the bike, I agreed provided that they also included Jed, they were more than happy to oblige and even posed for a photo for me.
It also transpired that they, and the british couple had stayed at the camp site where I would be spending the next 3 nights, Campingplatz Smok, on the outskirts of Krakow.
I left the site at abou 9.15am in order to go to Krakow which is about 250 miles from Warsaw. The first 45 mins of the journey found me fighting traffic just trying to cross Warsaw, it was very slow going I can tell you, stop, start and an aching left wrist from holding in the clutch, anyhow, the traffic eventually thinned as I satred to go out of Warsaw.....until I hit the roadworks. I had been warned by the Latvians and the English couple that there were roadworks on my route but they were a lot slower that I thought they would be. I hit abou 100km (60 mile) of single lane contraflow which was flowing at only about 40 - 60 kph. It was taking an age, and by now I was also developing a headache, and wasw feeling very tired. I made a couple of stops to try to wake myself up, and also to take some headache tablets, but neither seemed to help.
Around about lunchtime I pulled in again at a garage, and went to sleep on the grass next to the car park, waking about half an hour later to the noise of kids chattering. I sat up to find a group of about 8 lade aged in the early teens gathered around Blackie. I got up and managed to have a little chat to them as 1 spoke a little English. It transpired that they were Polish and were on a school trip to Rimini in Italy, not bad eh.
I carried on a bit further and was forced to stop about 40km short of Krakow in order to re-fuel. As I did so I noticed a couple of bikes parked up and that they had yellow number plates fitted. I rode over to them and saw they were 2 Scottish registered bikes, so I stopped to have a chat with the riders. It appeared that they were 2 weeks into a 3 week holiday, and they told me that on the boat over they had met 2 other bikers from the Isle of Man, they had also been over to the TT this year as well. It really is a small world. These 2 were also staying in Krakow for a couple of days, but in a hotel, not a campsite.
After a day lasting 8hours I finally arrived at the campsite and the first thing I have done is to book a tour for tomorrow to Auschwitz. The tour picks up at the campsite on the way though from Krakow and apparently last 6 hours, it also includes an English speaking guide, so that is me sorted for tomorrow. More to follow soon folks.