Today I have set off for Riga which is the capital of Latvia and is supposed to be a nice city. On the way I stopped as usual at a garage for hot chocolate and this time a cake. Just as I sat down, as there was a little cafe inside the garage, I was joined by another biker who told me he was from Uruguay of all places. He was born in Germany but has lived in Canada and now Uruguay. He had come to Germany to visit his mother, had bought a BMW 1200GS and had took himself off for a trip around Europe. He hoped to spend a few days with his mother in Cologne before he flies back home, thats what you call a good son!
I crossed into Latvia no problem and at the border I saw this Stork wandering about as if he owned the place. I have seen a few during my trip but this is the first one that I have been able to stop and photograph.
I rode on and occasionally caught a glimpse of the Baltic. At one spot I was right next to the beach so stopped so Jed could dangle a floppy woolen foot in the sea. I could see what must have been about half a mile in each direction. It was a lovely sandy beach "and no-one it"
As soon as Jed was ready for his photo it started to rain, yet again! So it was a rush back to the bike and once again into the waterproofs. The sky was black and certainly menacing.
She duly sorted one out and I made my way there, arriving just as the rain stopped. I offloaded the bike and yes, the rain started again. Will it ever stop?
I sometimes think I should have headed south with Rob but then I remember how hot it was last year and I now that I made the right decision, I just wish that I could be dry, don't really need the hot sun, just a little warm sum would be nice.
It is now 1645 hrs here, still raining but not as heavy so I think it is time to wander into Riga and see what it has to offer to a wet visitor.
Hi Nick, sorry I could not get you a better place to stay. It was all a bit of a rush and first priority was to get you somewhere dry. Hope you can make the best of it. You can always put your tent up in the room. Speak later, love Chris xx