Met a dutch lady last night who had cycled up from Holland and was carrying on to north Sweden and Norway, unbelievable, however, the point is she gave me a rail ticket that will allow me to travel the 30 mins into and out of Stockhom. In view of this I was on the train to central station at 9am.
Picked up a central map and visited a tourist information office and I was pointed in the direction of the best things to see on a short stay.
My first stop was for a guided tour of City Hall which was most informative, it was then a trip up the 106mt towere that is part of the City Hall, the only problem is that it has 365 steps to the top plus sloping passageways, however I was promised fantastic views.
One member of the team made a gallant effort, managing 1 step before crying foul and saying he needed carrying. He said his legs were far too short.
At the top he also demanded a photo be taken to show everyone at home, so he stood on the ledge as you can see, he also had a chat to a little Swedish girl, telling her where he came from and that he was riding his motorbike!!
After the tower we caught a tourist boat for the 1 hour trip over the water to the Royal Summer Palace, another place well worth a trip. It was here that Jed blagged having his photo taken with one of the female palace guard, looks good eh!
upon the return to Stockholm I was pretty much worn out so had a hot chocolate and a chill in the shops, same as UK really, before catching the train back to the guessed it, it started raining just before my stop, so when the train stopped it was a rush to get my washing in before it got wet again...made it.
Tomorrow we will go again into the city and take a look at the old town which is built on one of the many small islands that make up the capital.
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