Hill of Crosses, Lthuania.

And how many crosses can you count? There is supposed to be 200,000, but I don't know who counted them or when, or even how.

Now why would anyone even consider lighting a candle?

Family of storks, the first of many I saw on the ride. It is supposed to be good luck for a stork to nest near your house and people put wagon wheels up on posts to encouage them to nest. This one was on top of a telegraph pole. Difficult to tell from the photo, but this nest is about 5ft across and a couple of feet deep.

The Hill of Crosses is only really a very small mound, not even a hillock, and as you can see it is spreading out from the original point. I looked but could not see any from the UK although I did see a number from Australia, so if they can get there why can't the Brits, we get everywhere else.
You can buy crosses to put up yourself from some tacky stores nearby, however, not being at all religious I did not place one.
Had 2 bowls of Sugarpoofs for breakfast this morning, the first I've seen. My excuse is that I don't suppose I will eat again till this evening, apart from my mid morning garage stop I suppose. I feel as if I am losing a little bit of weight, my love handles seem to shrinking, at least I can hope.
Good Morning :-), The pictures are really good. I did watch a bit on UTube about the Hill of Crosses and got a bit of the history. You have put the stork's nest pic in between the crosses so it looks like they are nesting there:-) I wonder if they have ever nested on top of the crosses! Have a safe ride today and take your time. Speak later, love always, Chris xx